The Farm
Orange Circle Farm is a CSA vegetable and flower farm located in Berwick, ME. The farm is on 70 acres of land placed under an agricultural conservation easement in 2017 by Maine Farmland Trust. The farm was purchased in 2017 with production beginning in 2018.
In 2014, Jeff started Orange Circle Farm on leased land in Stratham, NH after several years working on other Seacoast farms.
The farm serves the communities of Stratham, Durham, Kittery and Berwick with a vegetable CSA program through the peak growing season (May-November).
The Farmer
Jeff has been growing vegetables on the Seacoast since 2010.
He enjoys the constant challenge of growing the diverse array of crops required by the CSA and greatly values serving his local community with fresh ingredients for their home kitchen.
Favorite crops to grow: onions and carrots
Favorite crop to eat: potatoes
Favorite field activity: pruning tomatoes
Secret skill: Master Food Preserver
Favorite color: orange
The Methods
All vegetables and seedlings produced on Orange Circle Farm are certified organic by MOFGA. We are also certified by the Real Organic Project.
We grow without using any types of herbicides, fungicides or pesticides, even OMRI listed products. Instead, we use a holistic approach to soil health and ecology which helps reduce pest and disease pressure.
We are now a fully no-till operation using compost, cover crops, mulches, crop diversity and mindful irrigation to support the health of our soil and our planet.
Our barn (which includes our walk-in cooler and irrigation well) is powered by an off-grid solar array.
If you ever have questions about what goes (or doesn't go) into growing your vegetables, please don't hesitate to ask us all about it!
The Orange Circle
It's difficult for me to pinpoint my attraction to agriculture. Yes, it includes perks like being outside on a nice day, working with my hands, learning more about the natural world and providing my community with nutritious food. But it’s more than that.
It's that feeling at the end of a long day that you can barely remember the beginning of, standing in the middle of the garden and soaking it all in. The orange circle (sun) on the horizon serves as a reminder and a symbol of those special moments. -Jeff